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If there is one thing that everyone can look forward to in autumn, it’s sitting round an open flame and taking in everything the cool October climate has to offer. While fire pits and open-top BBQ’s have been the staples...
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Due to a perfect storm of circumstances, UK families were recently hit with price increases on everything from petrol and heating to food and clothing. This year, the United Kingdom's consumer price index surged by 3.2%. This was the biggest...
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You’re likely to have heard a lot of negative comments about wet wood, with people emphasising the importance of burning dry wood with as low a moisture-content as possible instead. With this in mind, you may be wondering, what is...
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Lekto Hardwood Heat Logs are the stuff of magic. They’re the hottest-burning wood fuel on the market, so they'll keep your home nice and warm even in the bitterest of weather. They are ludicrously energy-dense, which makes them a perfect...
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When thinking about the best method for heating your home, there’s no doubt that cost plays a hugely important role. So, if you’re considering installing a wood burner in your home, one of the questions you may have is, does...
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