Why Heat Logs Are Your New Summer Accessory

Now, that summer 2020 is (finally) on the horizon, we can start making plans to enjoy the hot weather, long days and sunny times.
We don’t know about you, but we think that summer is perfect for doing very little to nothing, so we thought we would share our top five tips on how to relax this summer...
Whether you want to explore the great outdoors and pitch a tent in the middle of nowhere or just want to reach a certain spot and sleep beneath the stars, camping is (obviously) a great way to truly enjoy summer nights.
Even though it’s warm during the day, it can get chilly through the night, so be sure to take a few heat logs or night briquettes and kindling with you. Lighting them will allow you to cook lush food in the fresh air and the remaining fire will ensure you don’t get too cold when camping out.
As they are made of softwood, Night Briquettes are more effective and they last longer. Buy yours here
Chilling by the chiminea
Picture it: good friends, cool drinks and a warm fire in the garden. Blankets or no blankets, this sounds like a good way to spend the end of a summer evening.
Our heat logs are an ideal way to stay warm while you immerse yourselves in a blanket of stars, good music and a beautifully-coloured sky. That sounds like magic to us.
Fire pits on the beach
Another great way to take in an evening during the months of June, July and August. The sound of the waves lapping over each other and the relaxing scent of the sea can make a great memory, especially if you have used extra dry wood fuel, such as Lekto Hardwood Heat Logs to get a fire going. Simply lie back and enjoy a relaxing time with family and friends.
Pizza Ovens
If you have access to an outdoor pizza oven, this could be a great way to host a summer party. As our Heat Logs are made of hardwood and contain very little moisture (less than 9%), they will burn more efficiently and will, therefore, reach the appropriate pizza oven temperature of 400oC.
If you don’t have a specialist pizza oven, you can create your own outdoor fire pit and, along with an oven grill, cook delicious pizzas for all to enjoy on it.
Here at Lekto, we are dying to start enjoying our summer and we know that, with our Heat Logs, you can too. Buy yours here