Keeping Up With Our Sustainability Efforts – Lekto Is Partnering With Eden Reforestation Projects To Plant 10,000 Trees!!

If there is one thing that sets Lekto Wood Fuels apart from other industry competitors, it is our unwavering commitment to transparency when it comes to our sustainability efforts.
Throughout the years, we have always looked for new ways to make our operations as carbon-neutral as possible, whether it’s developing 100% plastic-free cardboard packaging for our Kiln-Dried Logs or launching extra-dry Pini Kay Eco Logs made from recycled, chemical-free materials.
It’s certainly no secret that the woodfuel industry as a whole has been getting a bad rap for its negative environmental impact – it was only a year ago that the UK government unveiled its plans to ban house coal and wet wood in household burning by 2023. The statement has been met with nothing but full support from us, and it has only confirmed what we’ve been saying all along: wet wood that hasn’t been properly seasoned is bad news for your health, the longevity of your appliances, and pollution levels. That’s the reason why all of our products feature a low moisture content – to keep your home and our environment safe.
As we approach the first quarter of 2021, we want to expand our existing environmental efforts and further our commitment to carbon offsetting even more: we’re happy to announce that we are collaborating with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant 10,000 trees and lower our carbon footprint!
Planting Trees With Eden Reforestation Projects
So, what’s this partnership all about?
Eden Reforestation Projects is an inspiring non-profit working to change lives and protect the environment through global reforestation projects. By employing the poorest of the poor to plant, grow, and safeguard native trees in places where mass-scale deforestation has been felt the most, the initiative is providing valuable work opportunities to poverty-stricken populations while helping the carbon-offsetting movement grow.
The methodology, known as “Employ to Plant”, is having an incredibly positive socio-economic impact on the workers employed, providing steady work and income among the communities that need it the most.
The relationship between native forests and people is quite complex: the regions that are most impacted by deforestation are highly impoverished and underdeveloped corners of the world. The communities that rely on the land to provide for their families often find that cutting down trees, even in areas that have been already extensively damaged by industrial deforestation, can be a short-term solution to the lack of basic resources, making the problem much worse. Deforestation is not only disastrous for handling increasing global pollution levels but also detrimental to communities’ safety and wellbeing: flooding, erosion, and desertification are just some of the devastating consequences of a disrupted habitat.
Eden Reforestation Projects is focusing on creating long-term solutions to ease poverty and establish a sustainable model able to tackle these complex issues –planting millions of trees each year in the process.
Carbon-Offsetting, One Step At The Time
Reforestation is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to actively offset the consequences of carbon emissions.

Initiatives like Eden Reforestation Projects rely on eco-conscious businesses like Lekto to fund carbon-offsetting, poverty-relief projects that are effectively protecting livelihoods and combating the effects of climate change on our environment.
This partnership is bringing us one step closer to our sustainability goals, helping us offset the carbon footprint of our operations even further than our previous efforts – and we are always keeping our eyes and minds open for more sustainability-driven initiatives to take part in, from rethinking our packaging to optimizing our products to be more carbon-neutral.
You can learn more about Eden Reforestation Projects and find out how to get involved on the initiative’s website and keep up with our eco-friendly efforts on our blog, Facebook, or Instagram.