Getting Your Home Ready For Winter - Our 2021 Guide

With the colder months fast approaching, it’s most certainly time to start thinking about getting your home ready for winter. Taking a few basic precautionary measures will help you to stay warm and keep your house protected from the cold weather at the same time. With this in mind, we’ve put together our top tips for getting your home ready for winter in 2021:
Check Your Boiler
When the weather is freezing outside, running out of central heating and hot water is the last thing you need. You should be getting your boiler serviced regularly anyway, however this is particularly important in getting your home ready for winter, when the last thing you want is your boiler breaking down, leaving you (quite literally) in the cold.
Clear Out Your Gutters

An essential part of getting your home ready for winter is clearing out gutters, drainpipes and gullies. During heavy rainfall or snow, these can become blocked which can cause damp and mould to build up. Blockages in the drains can also cause leaks to enter your home. So, checking your home drainage system for any leaves, moss or other debris is an important step in winter-proofing your property.
Draughtproof Windows & Doors
A huge part of getting your home ready for winter is protecting it from the cold. Draught proofing windows and doors is one of the key steps in doing this. This will keep cold draughts out, and heat in, keeping you more cosy throughout the winter, as well as saving you heaps of money on energy bills.
Get Your Chimney Swept

Getting your chimney swept before the winter when you’ll be using your fireplace more regularly, is essential for safety reasons. If your chimney is left unswept, this can cause soot and creosote to build up inside the chimney, making it more susceptible to fires. Having your chimney swept is also important in getting your home ready for winter by making your fireplace more effective, by removing blockages and other hazards. It’s better to get your chimney inspected before the cold weather sets in rather than during winter, as harsh, cold weather can cause damage to the chimney masonry if there are weaknesses in the structure.
Stock up on Firewood

Another essential part of getting your home ready for winter is making sure that you have enough fuel to keep you cosy throughout the cold months. The amount of wood that you’ll need to see you through the winter will depend on how big your stove or log burner is, and how often you’re using it. Have a read of our guide on choosing the right amount of Hardwood Heat Logs and Night Briquettes you need for the winter for further guidance on this. Remember, all our wood fuels are home delivered meaning you can re-stock quickly and easily throughout the winter, if you start to run out.
Find a Safe Place to Store Your Firewood

Stocking up on firewood is important in getting your home ready for winter, and so you’ll also want to ensure you have a safe place to store it. When it comes to firewood storage, it’s crucial to keep your wood dry and away from other structures e.g directly next to the wall, where a fire could spread quickly. If you can, it’s best to store your firewood a few inches off the ground in order to allow the air to circulate around it. The easiest way to store your firewood either indoors or outdoors is by using a firewood rack. If you’re storing your firewood outside during the winter, it can be a little harder to keep the wood protected from the elements. So, where possible, try and store your firewood under a safe shelter, such as a metal roof if you plan to keep it outside in winter.
Insulate Your Pipes
When the weather gets really cold, the water inside pipes can freeze, causing them to burst. That’s why a really important part of getting your home ready for winter is insulating your pipes. This will also prevent heat from being wasted, which will help to save you money this winter. You can insulate your pipes by adding lagging to any pipes and water tanks that are in exposed areas such as lofts, garages, and utility rooms.